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  1. king Ale


    Bayern is actually one of the most favourite teams in Iran.
  2. king Ale


    If I wanna tell the best sentence about Iran,I would say: Iran is one of the best places to visit and one of the worst ones to live.
  3. king Ale


    First of all,he is a poor author in this case: he's just said his opinion and because of it,Khomeini issued that "death warrant" as you said.and be sure,that there ARE many extramists all over the world who would kill him as soon as they get a chance. Second,I don't think you have the right...
  4. king Ale


    The new government in Iran has filtered many sites such as some political sites which are writing against Iran government,some sites or weblogs which are belonged to some Iranian famous persons who are living abroad and criticize the government,some `make friends` sites such as orkut,gazzag and...