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  1. Zé Tahir


    Why is Sweden in the top in almost everything? :D Could it be because they're well connected?
  2. Zé Tahir


    I have a feeling the word has a different meaning since the top 3 are latin speaking countries.
  3. Zé Tahir


    Opinion? you know what he has even written? He has written a fictious book about the Holy Prophet, not a factual book but a fiction. I'm not gonna go into the details of what he's written because its appaling. And where did I say anything about a right to kill him? I was against that...
  4. Zé Tahir


    First of all, Sulman Rooshdie is an asshole and no where close to being a "poor author". To issue a "death warrant" like the Khumeini did though is very wrong and pathetic. No one person is allowed to speak for an entire religion out of the blue, and then to condemn someone to death is taking it...