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  1. Slagathor

    Ibrahimovic teaching Cannavaro the flip-flop.

    I'm not saying he's exaggerating at all. I'm saying you shouldn't compare it to other atrocities and say things have never gotten this bad anywhere before. If my grandmother had heard that she might have killed the lad for dismissing everything she saw as a teenager during the Nazi occupation of...
  2. Slagathor

    Ibrahimovic teaching Cannavaro the flip-flop.

    Your home is destroyed? That's terrible :sad: But as you said, at least you are all still alive. The Hitler comparison isn't correct though. Rotterdam for example was turned into nothing more than a pile of rubble during the nazi invasion of 1940. Thousands of civilians died as the Luftwaffe...
  3. Slagathor

    Ibrahimovic teaching Cannavaro the flip-flop.

    Good thing you're not a moderator :D Where you at btw? For a moment we all thought you were in the bombing zones :frown2:
  4. Slagathor

    Ibrahimovic teaching Cannavaro the flip-flop.

    25? You better mobilise Don Bes
  5. Slagathor

    Ibrahimovic teaching Cannavaro the flip-flop.

    How to flip-flop? If Ibrahimovic is going to teach anyone anything, it's probably how to just flop