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  1. PhRoZeN


    Well somethings gone our way.. although I dont think personally im too bothered considering what didnt go our way, but I guess beggars cant be choosers. We have our 3 match home ban lifted.
  2. PhRoZeN


    he proberly thought it said RIP Juve.
  3. PhRoZeN


    :tup: nice post :agree: A few words that round it up are honour and dignity which the board forgot about.
  4. PhRoZeN


    Unfortunately not as the fans do not represent the club in terms of ownership and the word "minor" says it all. In terms of willing they could but it wouldnt even reach the letterbox before a rejection slip is returned.
  5. PhRoZeN


    This news is as depressing as the day when we were demoted. Its sad to say our management sucks, Bring back moggi, or I hope another is in the making. Whats worse is we havent even done anything to strengthen our squad. Yes we "may" have a squad good enough to promote, but in my eyes we are...
  6. PhRoZeN


    The real problem is that backing down now will mean backing forever. Its like a school child being bullied. If they bully us now, we will always be bullied. Its time to stand up and take charge, unfortunately that isnt the case, and I fear worse times looming. If we promote next season and start...
  7. PhRoZeN


    This is what ive pulled out of everblue's website. While Juve president, Giovanni Cobolli Gigli is trying to strike a deal with Coni and FIGC, a very clear message has arrived from the government: "forget about the Serie A". Giovanni Lolli, from the 'Ministero delle Politiche Giovanili e...
  8. PhRoZeN


    The board dont even know what the heck they want to do, we are all just getting a emotional rollercoaster ride out of this which will proberly end up back to square one. Hopeless!
  9. PhRoZeN


    All that drama for nothing. It looks like we dont really know what we want to do or how to do it, we seem like a club owned by people who aint organised. It kind of mirrors the first approach we had in this case where teh Juve lawyers were happy with serie B zero points. Anyway if serie B it...
  10. PhRoZeN


    Brilliant sounds like a line from the braveheart movie or even my signiture :agree:
  11. PhRoZeN


    we can but only with a talented lawyer.
  12. PhRoZeN


    If this happens, its almost as good as promoting back to serie A. :D. Lets hope FIFA stick to there word. :eyebrows:
  13. PhRoZeN


    Okay thanks amico mio, but then I guess its only common sense for them to "expedite" our case as it affects the whole of italy, whilst moggi is rather but a personal matter to a certain extent. I think the word "appeal and rejected" shouldnt go together with expedite othewise it just confuses...
  14. PhRoZeN


    im i the only one confused?
  15. PhRoZeN


    Dude its a sin to compare ourselfs with the lowly inter scumbags :D
  16. PhRoZeN


    Hmm possibly. The decision of sacking them was all for credibility.. and it seems it got them nowhere.. Juve will always be called cheats and have been called that since the day we started winning trophies, so credibility doesnt mean much when you do it fairly anymore.. a moralistic world...
  17. PhRoZeN


    Yeah the current lawyer is a joke.. i dont know whether I should laugh or cry. :faq1:
  18. PhRoZeN


    Yeah but they failed now. It seems even their own best mates backfired on them.. its the rules of life sadly.. trust no one... not even your phone line.
  19. PhRoZeN


    Im sure he wont mind, but it would be embarrasing to see a non motivated moggi running the show. He does it best when he knows his the man. If you see his videos or photos now, he looks like a depressed man. He said it best when he said "they killed my soul".
  20. PhRoZeN


    Yeah everyone was the enemy but not too many had the right idea of what to do and how to do it. They failed misrebly in the doping case, so installing someone like Guido in FIGC did it.