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  1. Marc


    Is the case officially closed?
  2. Marc


    That is not the way to meet new people...:P
  3. Marc


    So you´re saying he should have been warned? :shifty:
  4. Marc


    For example, will someone tell me does this deserve a warning? Yeah, I agree, rules should be the same for all. I feel I haven´t got same treatment as other Members.
  5. Marc


    :tup: :rofl2: My choice for the post of the month! Pronto! Yeah, indeed, good points, Turk!:tup: This Forum lost its head and tail...
  6. Marc


    Why don´t we invite more Inter fans? It´ll be fun. Will someone actually give a good answer to Javier_Zanetti? He is owning us...
  7. Marc


    :lol: Damn, you really gave yourself a work there, Don Bes The Legend. Is psycho-analysis your occupation?:D
  8. Marc


    Argues, argues, argues,... I created a major one and ended it, but why do you attack Jeeks? Rules are rules and must be respected, otherwise this Forum will become a circus... BTW I have one question to Jeeks!
  9. Marc


  10. Marc


    :disagree: Look in this thread or Updated News about Scandal thread.
  11. Marc


    I knew you´re gonna be warned.:P :agree: :D Dude, forget Thuram. :rofl2: Don Bes, you are the man!:D +rep
  12. Marc


  13. Marc


    Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera published an extensive article detailing the referee problems seen in the Atalanta-Milan match. / A referee should not be assigned to oversee the game of a coach that testified against him in a trail, as is the case with Ancelotti and...
  14. Marc


    Exactly, I just hope this kind of tragedy won´t happen for Juve never more.
  15. Marc


    Sateeh, Isn´t it a little bit suspicious now that Rossi is gone, everyone see their penalties drastically reduced or even cancelled? I mean, next week they will return Juventus their titles and cancel their penalty.:eyebrows: :D
  16. Marc


    What does it say?
  17. Marc


    Italian soap opera still isn't finished Did Inter set up corruption probe? After the scandal to end all scandals and a World Cup victory, one presumed Italian soccer might coast into the end of 2006. But Europe's most soccer-obsessed nation continues to throw up more fantastic storylines...
  18. Marc


    Yo, Alfio, who´s that girl on your avatar and profile picture?:P :heart:
  19. Marc


    7 points is better than nothing. Milan´s no deduction? That´s apsurd! Fiorentina´s no reduction is unfair. I think there will be changes to that decisions.
  20. Marc


    I would be satisfied with -10 points. That decision would push us to the middle of the table.