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  1. Badass J Elkann


    well u obviously didnt introduce urself to him :P
  2. Badass J Elkann


    well rab doesnt know u, so that makes it a warning offence :P
  3. Badass J Elkann


    damn f*cking straight :agree: some of the mods are nothing but hypocrytes who feel they can bend the rules to suit their own humerous pleasure and treat every1 differently, u break the rules ur out, no question. i refuse to be, aswell as others to be used as puppet tools for the pleasure of...
  4. Badass J Elkann


    well it has derrived from a anti juve site, so its bound to be bias or edited
  5. Badass J Elkann


    i always thought of him as more of a big spaghetti monster
  6. Badass J Elkann


  7. Badass J Elkann


    well u gotta give binter credit for drawing against chievo :P a good days work for them
  8. Badass J Elkann


    hmm how can a pull of the shirt from the side result in a fall in front
  9. Badass J Elkann


    perhaps if poonaldo stopped diving, he wudnt inflict so much injury upon himself
  10. Badass J Elkann


    damn u mark! i had him down as friar tuck!
  11. Badass J Elkann


    staring guido rossi as friar tuck
  12. Badass J Elkann


    no binter were the sheriff who ran the whole thing
  13. Badass J Elkann


    i only speak for the majority, but if those are your promises, i have no qualms
  14. Badass J Elkann


    well i enjoyed this freedom anyways since unfortunatly for u i break the rules to stand up for my beliefs and the free speech against interisti's
  15. Badass J Elkann


    alternatively just dont enter this thread and pretending that theres nothing that displeases u here
  16. Badass J Elkann


    i never called u a 'f*cking asshole' as u put it, and the last time i insulted that pig, u banned me, sometimes i like to last longer than 5 days here
  17. Badass J Elkann


    exactly, so u can understand y i deeply hate the sh*t smelling interisti, and the events of last summer has angered me to the point that this hatred will never end
  18. Badass J Elkann


    where were u this summer? in a cambodian prison camp?
  19. Badass J Elkann


    u obviously have no idea how many interisti's i knew some time ago laughed at the passing away of john charles and omar sivori, not that im laughing at fachetti's death, but neither do i feel deeply remorseful for him
  20. Badass J Elkann

