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  1. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    We'll get around to it... eventually. :wink:
  2. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    It's the automatic system. There's a Burke-hating bug in there somewhere, and we have to wait for Marty to get back so he can fix it. Sorry. :smile:
  3. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    A little. Helping big business does generate jobs. Ireland does something similar with a very low corporate tax. There's a balance to be had though, and running up a huge debt isn't part of it.
  4. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    My 'favourite' Coulter quote: To disabled Vietnam vet Bobby Muller who was expressing pacifist views: "No wonder you guys lost." - MSNBC, 1996. Oh, and the guy in question has a purple heart or two and a number of other awards for bravery from Vietnam. That woman is a monster.
  5. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    Are you sure? Gay marriage is a really hot topic in the US these days, and it's not all talk of tolerance and respect either. That I can understand. :smile: I've never gotten that either, though I'd be seriously pissed off if my government stopped them from doing it.
  6. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    It's okay as long as it doesn't affect you personally?
  7. mikhail

    Dance With the Devil, if You Dare

    She'd happily criminalise people like you Erik. People like her are dangerous. The sad thing is that anyone listens to her.