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  1. denco

    Big Luciano interview(27-06-2006)

    Influential in what sense? What has this got to do with tampering of matches? You have gotta be the only person on earth to say you think Moggi might be innocent. I am sorry I had toi check out your age and it says you are 18 as I was astounded that any1 can come up witht he kinda stufff you are...
  2. denco

    Big Luciano interview(27-06-2006)

    What inthe world are you talking about? Are you saying Beckenbauer is tampering with matches?
  3. denco

    Big Luciano interview(27-06-2006)

    Oh you mean Moggi might be totally innocent after all, that its his rejection of Milan that caused all this uproar and now its rebounded in their faces and they too are implicated in this whole mess. The phone taps and all that were just Galliani and Berlusconi mimicking Moggi on the phone and...
  4. denco

    Big Luciano interview(27-06-2006)

    Guilty by association? Bullied into this position? Please clarify what you are trying to say cos it seems you are suggesting it was someone else in Juve who was pulling the strings and Moggi was just a victim of circumstance, is that correct?
  5. denco

    Big Luciano interview(27-06-2006)

    Incredible with the amount of me me me in his statement, what about Juventus and their supporters who are gonna be torn apart by his actions? well thank goodness i have never liked him so his behaviour and statements will not surprise me