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  1. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    guys,chill 2-2 mark my words........(bozi crosses his fingers)
  2. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    well the time is nearly upon us, all italy need to do is not lose really. however we have seen what this attitude has done for them in the past and they really need to go and try and win this game. what we will almost definitely see is a 2-2 draw with usa narrowly beating ghana. italy and...
  3. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    the strange thing with henry is that it is so bloody obvious that he needs a partner up top and to be given a little freedom. why dominech wont give trez, the most natural finisher and goal poacher, a run out is beyond me and must be a personal situation. sometimes coaches cant see that the...
  4. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    you are both spot on, it seems like ronnie is being asked to be aplaymaker and it really does not suit his game. he is too constricted playing here and needs the freedom that barca afford him. we also see the same problem with france and henry, in that henry is playing up top on his own, which...
  5. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    he is bad, he is really bad but before you say something you cant take back i have two words......marco materazzi:oops:
  6. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    anyway back on topic its painfully obvious that alex represents italy's best chance of success in this game. italy can take heart that the czechs looked devoid of any real attacking threat without koller and baros against ghana. could be injuries save italy from an embarrasing early exit again
  7. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

  8. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

  9. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    hahahah whats that all aboot? by the way all these mannerisms are very scottish, just sounds funny when the canadians say it. nah i am excited about this but past experience has told me that you look at one game before looking to the next one or you get bit on the arse
  10. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    shut it canada boy eh:toast:
  11. Bozi

    italia vs Czech Republic(22/06/2006)

    guys guys klets get the us game out the way first then we can start to think about this game