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  1. Great Players who won't be there

    I didnt watch much of his play this season, but in the matches i watched he still played well. and he did a lot for spurs to earn their euro chance. imo, spurs lost their chance to qualify CL not only becoz of they ate bad food but also the ban of edgar in their last match. sorry for repeated...
  2. Great Players who won't be there

    I didnt watch much his play this season, but in the matches i watched he still played well. and he did a lot for spurs to earn their euro chance. imo, spurs lost their chance to qualify CL not only becoz of they ate bad food but also the ban of edgar in their last match.
  3. Great Players who won't be there

    I didnt watch much his play this season, but in the matches i watched he still played well. and he did a lot for spurs to earn their euro chance. imo, spurs lost their chance to qualify CL not only becoz of they ate bad food but also the ban of edgar in their last match.
  4. Great Players who won't be there

    I miss edgar davids, dont u? look at the spurs' show this season, he deserve a place in WC. and hes not there just becoz the coach prefer young men.