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  1. Players With Honor

    Its different, Baresi was from a completely different generation when the game was completely different and money wasnt the be all and end all... Marchionni I cant see where he comes into this either... he isnt a world renowned star like emerson, vieira, buffon, zambrotta etc... He is an up...
  2. Players With Honor

    We would all like that, but its not really reality... Players go where they think they can get what they want... Then of course they say how much they love the club and we the foolish gullible fans believe every word... Loyalty is meaningless to footballers emerging today... Even with...
  3. Players With Honor

    Its not the same, you have to equate the same principle to your own job... You are a fan, its completely different... you also do not have their money or the same lifestyle to maintain through maybe 50 years of retirement rather than your average mans 20 years of retirement... Plus keeping...
  4. Players With Honor

    Quite simply, because as in any job you expect to be paid what the market dictates you are worth... If others of equal stature are earning more than you then it would piss you off... Its only right that you earn the same as others at your level... The amount is irrelevant
  5. Players With Honor

    You lot talk about honour, But tell me how many of you, if in a career which only gives you a shelf life of 12 to 15 (minus about 5 before you are on the big money) years would be happy to take an 80% paycut jus because you feel a certain attachment to your employer when you could go to another...