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  1. BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st)

    Me too.... :cry: Anyway good luck guys GBU...
  2. BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st)

    You are right. Even Juve go down to Seri-B, at the end Juve surely will go back in Seri-A. So for the long time objective, this is a very good time to us (juve fans) to buy Juve stock, to own some part of our beloved club, and also to gain benefit from it. This is just perfect! The problem...
  3. BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st)

    You are right. And the others ppl seem not interested with this idea. We should look for another idea or someone who can help us. But I am very interested in buying Juve stock.
  4. BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st)

    Brilliant idea!!! I am with you. The problem is how to manage this. How to collect the money, buy the stock and send to everyone...
  5. BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st)

    Yeah.. We should do something that we can do for our Juventus. I will try to contact Juventus fans club in my country and try to do something. At least we should try something to prove our love for our club. FORZA JUVENTUS!