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  1. AbuGadanzieri

    Not only Juve involved in wiretaps scandal

    very great news berlusconi and milan in big problem what you think please discuss Lawyer warns of red card for Berlusconi in football scandal By Peter Popham in Rome Published: 01 June 2006 Silvio Berlusconi has been out...
  2. AbuGadanzieri

    Not only Juve involved in wiretaps scandal

    milan will go down i am saying this news is very great the found telephone call between meani and bergamo what you think they were talking yes right they were talking about the referees milan want i dont talk italian and i didnt understand all the news but i understand meani was...
  3. AbuGadanzieri

    Not only Juve involved in wiretaps scandal

    milan will go down everyday new bad things they did apear more only two weeks before they were saying the want the scudetto and now they did the same thing moggi did galiani and meani were talking to collina Moggiopoli...