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  1. Cuti


    you forgot Sergio Ramos Pepe, seguito in passato anche dalla Juventus, è il secondo rinforzo per la difesa del Real Madrid dopo l'ingaggio del tedesco Metzelder a parametro zero dal Borussia Dortmund. A questo punto si chiude definitivamente la strada che porta a Chivu, sempre più destinato...
  2. Cuti


    Cannavaro is seeming more likely to come back to Italy, with Juve and Napoli in the best position to get him, as he has lost his place to Sergio Ramos, Metzelder and now Pepe
  3. Cuti


    criscito is already with us, and if we should take a risk it should be him
  4. Cuti


    :rofl: pepper- Pepe spice- Spezia I Dry & C- Secco and Co. Port Pepper- Porto's Pepe gambler- player(giocatore) :rofl:
  5. Cuti


    last time a Juve player didnt accept a swap deal with a player in Portugal, he joined Mn Utd and won the player of the year award and the young player of the year award