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  1. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    What was Buffon thinking?? "Envy for Baldness" A new movie name:P
  2. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    The first love for most of you:P :P
  3. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Just look at this... :cry: Very nice :cry: Forza Juve...
  4. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Exactly :rofl:
  5. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Minute 80: Crowds are getting happier and happier... Forza Juve...
  6. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    No, I'm stealing those pics only:P
  7. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Great Audience in the Stadium
  8. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Zlatan's chance:
  9. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

  10. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Unsuccessful Back Double Kick for Zlatan: Why am I not surprised??:smoke:
  11. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    No, it shows Roma- Milan:pumpkin:
  12. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    What is he thinking of?? I don't think Blasi's advices would be good now:P
  13. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Yes, another record:P
  14. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Great News: Our Great black Gazelle is warming himself... Everybody will welcome after minutes: Zebina:D
  15. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    I was expressing my unsatisfaction for seeing that chance going away:P
  16. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    For all those who asked about him, here is the Bald King waiting to eat his prey:D
  17. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

  18. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    I just posted the link for the first goal... Forza Juve...
  19. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Celebrations have just started... Forza Juve...
  20. Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Exactly... The goal was scored in the 23rd minute, and look at the result...