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  1. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Right On!:agree:
  2. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    One more boys!! and its ours... Forza Juve!!
  3. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Reggina has scored 2!! Toni is off with an injury....
  4. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    @bozi right on bro!! @isha: do your thang girl....
  5. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Next person to talk some hate will be banned Pronto..... This thread is for games not hating.....
  6. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Empoli-Inter 90+1' Coda plays it forawrd...AND MATERAZZI PUTS FAR TOO MUCH ON HIS BACKPASS! LOBS JULIO CESAR FROM THIRTY-FIVE METRES AND EMPOLI ARE IN FRONT! SENSATIONALLY COMIC! It's done and dusted...Empoli jubilant, Materazzi just can't believe it...what an own goal....that's one for...
  7. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Thanks so much Habeeby.... +rep
  8. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    now thats a tennis match fo yo ass :agree:
  9. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Any streams boys.....a brotha gots to see this to believe it..
  10. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    for all up to date scores
  11. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    palermo up 1-0!!
  12. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    I want Toni to score....i got a vbet on his ass:D
  13. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Nice avatar black&white.... ya chievo and roma are some goal scoring machines if ya ask me...:agree:
  14. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Take 4 ....why not 7 my friend:D
  15. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

  16. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    It doesnt work for me:cry: anyother ones ??
  17. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    streams fellaz......
  18. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    streams fellaz......
  19. Hambon

    Juventuz LIVE 2005/2006

    Hey jack...make another sticky for transfer news so that we dont get a million threads bout rumors of transfers