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  1. Tom

    Dear Capello............

    costacurta has kept himself fit because he cares about his football and wants to go on playing. Its nothing to do with the coaches' training methods when you get to that age. Oh and he's a defender iirc
  2. Tom

    Dear Capello............

    I totally agree with Zlatan here. Yes, the coach has made some poor decisions, tactically and with strange substitutions, but LOOK AT THE PLAYERS!! The first eleven are nearly all old (thuram, nedved etc) or rubbish (camo, zebina) - add to that ibrahimovic behaving like a prick most of the...
  3. Tom

    Dear Capello............

    although capello's refusal to accept we were comprehensively outplayed annoys me, and his substitution of chiellini for Mutu was it was laughable... looking at the players we have, they are all (well nearly all) slow, ageing, bereft of creativity etc so its not as if its easy to get them to...