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  1. Fight Club

    Moggi working on a blockbuster deal (50m €+ to spend)

    sounds nice, but why announce'll make other teams drive up the price! but hey we got moggi right. bring in: v.d.vaart buyten de rossi(never happen though) mancini/joaquin cassano->vieira+zlata and a whole lot of money sagnol->camo+zebina pasqual->blasi out: miccoli...
  2. Fight Club

    Moggi working on a blockbuster deal (50m €+ to spend)

    i like us to buy buyten and v.d.vaart from hsv. buyten has done well for hsv, and he has leadership-qualities, quickly became captain for hsv. he can control the air, and is not that slow considering his height. v.d.vaart is really skilled and could add creativity to the offensive midfield...
  3. Fight Club

    Moggi working on a blockbuster deal (50m €+ to spend)

    my blockbuster deal(s) .....................Trez/R.Babel Robben/Mutu.......................Del Piero/marchioni ...................V.d.Vaart/Neddy ..........De Rossi...................Emo Zamo/Balza...Canna..Buyten/Thuram...Gallas...
  4. Fight Club

    Moggi working on a blockbuster deal (50m €+ to spend)

    would it be impossible to lure de rossi away from olympico? prefer him over gerrard, younger and italian
  5. Fight Club

    Moggi working on a blockbuster deal (50m €+ to spend)

    man.utd reportedly interested in solari, isn't he playing the same position as cr7, so maybe there is something in the rumours about him joining us.... personelly i hope for f.torres instead of ibra, ship him to chelsea for gallas and robben