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  1. venom

    FIFA take on the racists

    No, basically I'm just saying that this is a stupid way to fight it. Obviously clubs could do better when it comes to that "nazi memorabilia" in stadiums but they can't make crowd go mute. It just does not feel right if a club would e.g. get relegated because of a group of people which has no...
  2. venom

    FIFA take on the racists

    Nothing, which makes this whole "rule" completely useless. Just more court drama about who won and who should get the odd points etc.
  3. venom

    FIFA take on the racists

    So now the idea is to pretend to be a fan of the opponent and you can continue insulting ethnic minorities. It could even help your own club then. Also it's nice to see how Blatter (and FIFA) do care when some poor +100k € earning chap is a target of insults. I just wonder how this affects on...