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  1. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    Quincy is loved by Greg Mitchell and Strood though the bearded leftie arese bandit seems to like him though personally i think it's chris+ playing silly buggers
  2. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    don't follow :eyebrows:
  3. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    non cabito :??:
  4. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    see to your kid
  5. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    Sorry fella your non punctuation is a giveaway Be a proper father !!
  6. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    Everybody knows Greg Mitchell from sunny Kent ?..and his liking for dogs..
  7. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    you just said you was :shrug: Do you know you Greg Mitchell is ?
  8. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    In England we hate Turks becuase of one person called Quincy
  9. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    Do you work as a security guard ?
  10. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    are you turkish ? are you familiar with who quincy is ?
  11. Why do you have such low crowds ?

    Are you familiar with the term 'plastic' ? 'gloryhunter'