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  1. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Perhaps you should stop putting forwards the things you're trying to prove as truth. And BTW, who says it isn't the opposite: I can't see my ass because I don't deserve to see my ass. I can't God, because my God and my eyes are located in opposite parts of my body.
  2. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Yes, as philosophers have shown the past 3000 years, proving something exists is a piece of cake. Really, what on earth is that second man thinking? That's not an evidence. God that what is up with that 2nd man? I haven't seen every elephant there is, therefore there must be an elevant that...
  3. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    You have to love Augustinus: "We can't see God. That HAS to mean he's almighty. That's a symbol of his might." --- Seven's point of view: I can't see my ass, that HAS to mean it's almighty.
  4. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    The way I see it, most muslims in this thread have been very offensive towards me. And I actually am insulted and would like some of the mods to do something about it. I'm called an uneducated fool because I doubt the Qu'ran says the only truth, I'm called an extremist for being an agnost...
  5. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    I'd like to remind Zlatan I got banned for proving I could be God and that no one could prove that I'm not. I was joking away AND I had a point. How exactly was Hambon being constructive Zlatty Fuck Me In The Assy? All I see he's simply threatening snoop. Surely that can't be right either...
  6. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    You know, I'm going to use my own quote a lot more in the future :).
  7. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    I am.
  8. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Yeah, absolutely brilliant stuff.
  9. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

  10. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Dan, you revived my favorite thread!
  11. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    You got it right there. That's exactly what I believe.
  12. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Looks like I don't believe in hell. And surely God won't punish someone who didn't realise what he was doing with the harshest sentence possible ;).
  13. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    I'm not sure about this and I might be wrong, but didn't Mohammed admit he wrote the Qu'ran? I though he wrote it through divine inspiration, but did admit he actually wrote it himself when talking about the act itself. The second part I highligthed is a LIE. The chances of it being written...
  14. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Well, I am pretty trained in this kind of debate TBH :D.
  15. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Have to admit religion fanatics are good for one thing: having a laugh.
  16. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    You know what. I just might be God. That's it, I've decided I'm God. Now obey me until you can prove I'm not God. Fuck yourself in the ass, axlrose, I demand it!
  17. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    And come to think about it, I'll go really far in this one. I believe that no religion based on a book is worth believing. That's right, I spit on the beliefs of catholics, moslims and whoever truly believe in something written down by man. However, I support people who believe in the existence...
  18. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Look, axl, you can believe in whatever God you want to, but saying the Qu'ran was not written by man is disregarding all sense of logic. (And if God did exist, why would he bless us with a sense of logic that disregarded something like that?) About the argument "you can't prove you're right...
  19. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Can the guy who gave me negative rep for this post, please explain WHY this post is intolerant. Could he also show me WHERE christianity differs from ancient greek myths? Oh wait, that would imply he has to prove the existence of a christian God. Well, I'm waiting dude.
  20. Seven

    Moment of Clarity

    Whatever. The Qu'ran was written by MAN. End of story.