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  1. Moment of Clarity

    indeed he wasnt, no
  2. Moment of Clarity

    Not to be picky, but there is one who does it quite often...
  3. Moment of Clarity

    Thats correct
  4. Moment of Clarity

    Firstly, im not a seven lover at all... Personally i think he deserved banning on a few occasions in the past, I jus feel he has been misstreated in this thread... I niether like or dislike him... As for the bit you quoted or libero's similar post before... you have to take the context into...
  5. Moment of Clarity

    Of course, but in sevens case it is clear as day the manner in which he offered his opinion... Though if you look to the post ze tahir quoted of someone elses... that is genuinely insulting, yet hasnt garnered such a response...
  6. Moment of Clarity

    He didnt insult he gave his opinion (others maybe but not for once seven) You talk about not insulting religions... but there is more scope for agrievement on those very grounds in what you jus wrote right there than in sevens posts within this thread
  7. Moment of Clarity

    I see nothing in that what you quoted that is anything other than a personal opinion... You may not agree with him but he is entitled to that opinion as you are to yours... Or are you saying he is not allowed an opinion that doesnt go along with your religious belief ??
  8. Moment of Clarity

    Can you show an example of a post/part post that you found to be insulting / unthought out / ignorrant ?
  9. Moment of Clarity

    cant really see where any of those posts are insulting, jus an opinion... you also miss some responses that were worse than what seven said (and without doubt insulting at that) ... Care to explain mikhail
  10. Moment of Clarity

    oh... Sorry, jus isnt something that catches my attention or begs my consideration... Im sure its wonderful though!:)
  11. Moment of Clarity

    Am i meant to think something of it ?
  12. Moment of Clarity

    In the context i believe he was using... I see no real problem with that at all..
  13. Moment of Clarity

    There should, as it also tells other members what to expect as well
  14. Moment of Clarity

    I didnt nes mean in this case.. that was a general observation which is relevant now and in many other cases... As for your posts here... Personally i think your tone was pretty damn obvious, but then there are allways those that dont see what we think is completely transparent
  15. Moment of Clarity

    But then isnt that part of the point... everytime he (or others) are banned... he nor anyone else really knows why... Its never explained... Surely someone has to know why to be in a position not to do it again...
  16. Moment of Clarity

    For him to give you rep for what zlatan banned you for makes it impossibble for greg to agree... If he says he does then hes a liar and a hypocrit
  17. Moment of Clarity

    I know what the word means... I jus wondered if it was what you meant as it doesnt really connect with what i see of your attitude to the subject / posters in hand
  18. Moment of Clarity

    exactly... its happened many times...
  19. Moment of Clarity

    indeed it is
  20. Moment of Clarity

    are you sure you used the word you intended there ?