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  1. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    well done..
  2. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    was just about to ask the same..
  3. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    seven, if I were you, I would stay away from this thread ;) this thread had a very strong hidden force
  4. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    what about the girlfriend of your cousin, with whom you waked up yersterday ;)
  5. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    your vcash is not enough:D
  6. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    sure? you finaly dared to leave the Nick-Thread ;)
  7. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    you are allways welcome mate, BTW, very nice sig.
  8. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    congratulations for you 3000 post amico mio :pint:
  9. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    I wanted to use that as an example too:D cheers mate
  10. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    it is not nice to call to ban other users. if you can not have discusion with other people just stop posting with them and do not call the Mods every two posts to ban them.
  11. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    it was ended but then.......
  12. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

  13. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    what is up amico mio? seven was banned becaus of insulting relligions. it is temporary ban though
  14. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    Happy that finaly we all agree ;)
  15. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    good post. It is obvious that no relligion wants viollence. It is more about how the people interprate a relligion. That this things had happend In jerusalem does not mean that christian relligion wants viollence. this situation had been created because of the situation of that time. And what...
  16. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    Just one quetion here for everybody: don´t you think that God could send the quran throw angels when he can make a person born without having a father??
  17. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    I´ll take a look mate. she is really hot
  18. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    My judgement to committments of christians to their relligion are based of my experience with christians here in germany. If the situation is different in your region , it is another case. I talked about the intensity of committment to relligion to answer LoScoglio s claim that moslems are...
  19. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    may be :D
  20. Maresca

    Moment of Clarity

    I can tell you why, The commitment of mulims to their relligion is much stronger than these of christians. for much of moslems it is not accepteble when somebody talkes about islam in a bad way. I think that some people here really used bad method´s to descripe their opinoin about islam, this...