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  1. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    no probs,i hate to see this sort of thing
  2. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    well said its like when you see players on the pitch asking for a player to get sent off,it makes you mad to see that.
  3. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    nah snoop is like a pit bull with lock-jaw who dosent realise we all want an end to this nonsense
  4. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    yeah,take it easy my friend,he is jumping all over him aint he? man you got a hardon for him or something?fine dont agree but that aint bad
  5. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    well it is now but not the sort of stuff i would ever repeat,very offensive if you ask me and i am not muslim
  6. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    you really dont want to know mate pretty bad stuff
  7. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    i accept criticism and welcome constructive discussion and even take the piss myself but feel that crossed the line. anyway i have to say i am not anti-7 i generally like him i just felt he crossed the line there
  8. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    to me i saw that as a provocative statement looking to inflame and insult
  9. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    if it was a constructive aruement i would applaud and say fair comment but when you insult the beliefs of others and insult people then it is not on anyway its cool mate
  10. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    agree with hambon and ze on this you cant say i piss on the beliefs of muslims or any other religion for that matter,even in jest its the worst possible taste p.s. i am not muslim but if i was i would be raging with that comment
  11. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    same here its cool mate i dont need the rep i know its all gravy:star:
  12. Bozi

    Moment of Clarity

    thr problem with that is that peolpe believe the da vinci code is real and that we wre descendants of jesus and mary magdalene....idiots anyway i have watched this thread but i will not give my thoughts,everyone has different views on religion,if i am not mistaken every religion reaches...