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  1. Tom

    Italy = anti islam

    Its much simpler than that.. oh and communism is about as far away as possible from where I stand politically so lets not go there. I just think that we are taking this multicultural thing too far, soon parts of our country will be indistinguishable from islamic states or sikh dominated areas...
  2. Tom

    Italy = anti islam

    most of that post I agree with, 100% - except the bit about allowing them the right to practice their faith.. would like to know where you stand on that. Personally i object to seeing mosques/temples everywhere I don't think they should have a place in our society - only serve to divide the...
  3. Tom

    Italy = anti islam

    I tyhink its fair enough really. People can say its discrimination but at the end of the day, 9/11 - 7/7 - madrid bombings - suicide bombings every day in iraq - al qaeda - 99% of terrorist threats and activities - its in the name of islam.