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  1. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    so, they are still worse than a lot of muslim countries
  2. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    snoop thats a great idea
  3. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    and the only excuse for this is that italy is a western developed country
  4. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    on the plus side, they do look an awful a lot like real muslims ;)
  5. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    exactly, but dont go acting like that it the end of the world, when we all know that certain places are worse. even if italy is in the EU.
  6. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    we all know its just a small step. Sadomin, you also dont give the same punishment for theft as you would give for murder. if you get my analogy
  7. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    please, when we get women in saudi arabia the right to drive maybe we will worry about a few religious images in italy. the progress of christian countries compared to muslim ones (with few exceptions) is on a whole different level
  8. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    i guess then for next time i m gonna have to be a lot more specific.
  9. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    they are also a very very very small part ;)
  10. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    oh i m sorry then. this is what happens a lot. we praise muslim countries when they change something even if it very little and we critisize christian countries (such as italy) like the guy who opened the topic here for some minor ties to religion
  11. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    my grand father is a practicing muslim, but it all went downhill from there. so i go by, non-religious now.
  12. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    how is bahrain compared to italy ?
  13. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    no i am not. i m just tried at this double standarts where we expect catholics to be more leanient and we dont do the same thing about other religions
  14. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    when did you hear me say four women in [insert islamic country name here] had to marry a guy ? i specifically said saudi arabia. mainly because the guy speciafically said italy. what i find so useless is how this guy is saying italy as a western developed country should forget religion when...
  15. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    stop worrying about italy ok.
  16. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    muslim states are faaaar more behind. i just read on the paper that 4 women in saudi arabia had to marry their bus driver becuase they got wanted to live in his house and not get a long ride to work women arent even allowed to drive in saudi arabia
  17. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    you bring on a valid point. which is why i think public education should be 100% religion free
  18. Lawnchair Bes

    Italy = anti islam

    Those who hide their features from the public - including through wearing the Islamic burqa - also face punishment. punishment ?