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  1. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    ive never agreed that the state should have anything to do with building churches or mosques or whatever. that should definitely be left to the followers of the religion. the states only responsibility should be to provide its citizens with the opportunity to build a church or mosque, etc, if...
  2. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    wow what a thread.
  3. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    exactly Bes. you are a wise man.
  4. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    thats a valid point. but the fact is that these acts are being done in the name of islam. whether is represents the actual religion doesnt matter as long as these idiots are giving the world a reason to fear and hate.
  5. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    yeah i can see that. when i was in high school we had about 4 or 5 muslims on our team and our assistant coach was the president of the local mosque. that was right after 911. because we were all on the same team we supported terrorism or at least thats what some idiot fans thought. so i do...
  6. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    I know all muslims are not fanatical. but my point is that there are enough to make the world nervous even if its only a few people. just as there are enough fanatical christians in the US to have a watch list for abortion clinics. its not the good apples that spoil the bunch my friend.
  7. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    Lybia, Syra, who else? Lemme call my buddy and have him hit the history button on the US guided missile systems computer.;)
  8. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

  9. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

  10. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    See avatar. :rolleyes:
  11. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    it happens . by the way who is your avatar?
  12. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    catholics are gentiles. we're all gentiles unless were Jewish.
  13. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    i agree. comparing nuns to burka ladies is like apples and oranges. but i still think a woman should have a choice in what she does.
  14. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    i say if a woman wants to where a burka then let her. but she sould also be given the choice to not where the burka. and it should be against the law for her husband to force it on her. if that were the way im sure no burkas would be seen in italy.
  15. Enron

    Italy = anti islam

    damn right. seperation of church and state works just fine for US.