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  1. peckface


    I don't believe in Brazil either. My bet goes for the Netherlands, its time. :agree:
  2. peckface


    What other team(s) are you thinking about?
  3. peckface


    So you believe they're the third best team in the world? Just on paper or as a whole? On paper it looks good, though England's NT always look good on paper. They pretty much never exceed expactations or go out and do exactly as planned. Yes when saying "they" im labeling them as a nation...
  4. peckface


    The winter is coming up, the WC is closing in and the English are just about to overhype their players and claiming the gold medals in advance. Englands chances always comes up when discussing the world and euro cup. What do you think? What's their chances and are their team really THAT good...