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  1. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    General Custard.
  2. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Damn my eyes!
  3. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Last picture made it too easy. Have to say, I have never heard of him.
  4. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    I am stumped.
  5. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    flavio briatore
  6. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    I'd like to kick them in the Facebook!
  7. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    No, they are vacuous and irrelevant, and conservative? If they remade that classic film the famed reply to the question: What are you rebelling against? Would be: I can't be bothered.
  8. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Could you translate that please into I dialect I speak?
  9. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Correct: She is gorgeous.
  10. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Who am I?
  11. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Winston Smith: Tony Blairs' grand-father.
  12. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    It is he of the natural beauty of numbers.
  13. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    It is not he. 0
  14. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Should be as easy as 2+2=
  15. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Terence Stamp
  16. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Surely not! It was on the tip of my tongue.
  17. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Marx and Engles.
  18. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Forza Keynes! Down with the users, devourers, blood suckers.
  19. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    I guess I'll have to use a search engine. Damn.
  20. bianconero

    Who the @#%& is this?

    Anton Webern