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  1. Zizou

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Messina

    Fact is that DP is right now our best scoring forward, but as we all know, scoring is not everything for a forward. Even though DP is currently scoring a lot, technically and tactically the Zlatan-Trez duo is better to play together.
  2. Zizou

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Messina

    :eek: OH MY GOD!!! Liu managed to post a preview of a match BEFORE the match! Hope it's not a bad omen for Juve
  3. Zizou

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Messina

    If we're gonna use the turnover, then Zalayeta should definitely not play, but Mutu yes. Zala will be playing on Wednesday the qualifier match for Uruguay, whereas Romania have no mid-week game so Mutu will be the freshest of our forwards. Along Mutu then play one between Zlatan and Trez.
  4. Zizou

    [Serie A] Juventus vs. Messina

    I would actually change Emerson with Vieira and Chiellini instead of Balzaretti, otherwise I agree