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  1. sateeh

    German football

    A big game against Mighty France on the weekend, no metzelder though a big blow i think for Germany. Guess Huth is going to play, he doesnt convince me one bit. good to see klose, and ballack back they have a big impact i think. deisler and ernest are expected on the wings, although i...
  2. sateeh

    German football

    Well The Manschaft have two more friendlies one of them is a very tough one against France. I wanted Klinis to introduce a new forward cuz the current forwards r just not good enough. I dont know who> mybe lauth although he isnt scoring too.
  3. sateeh

    German football

    good to know.. great info lala, especially abt the u20s..
  4. sateeh

    German football

    well u guys have the ability to take a serious thread, and turn into complete bull props to u
  5. sateeh

    German football

    Well all of Germany want to get Jurge Klinsmann Head now... I have to say as Koln coach said, it would take a miracle for germany to win the world cup. The Turkey game just showed how tactically lost the players were.No pressure at all in the final third of the field against the turkish...
  6. sateeh

    German football

    sadly yes, i like his passion for the game but he is too old.
  7. sateeh

    German football

    well talking about the Manschaft for a change. Germany are playing turkey on the weekend. No klose ,ballack, and hinkel. it would be interesting to see how Metzelder fair though. also i want to see how borowski does in ballack's position, i rate him very highly by the way. It will...
  8. sateeh

    German football

    is every thread in this forum goes out far away from the point
  9. sateeh

    German football

    i have to agree with u abt that....the best example is the confd. cup.. where they had some good matches against top teams like brazil and argentina.
  10. sateeh

    German football

    well the team is promising...but klinsmann doesnt put the best system for the team. For example the Holland game he puts a midfield of frings---hamman---ballack---ernest( wat the hell is he thinking) Germany have excellent wingers and he doesnt use them for some reason. The defense and the...