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  1. What would you rather have...?

    I never said they didnt! Now choose one
  2. What would you rather have...?

  3. What would you rather have...?

    Yes, but really werent trying to get make us missunderstand did you, hmm? :rolleyes:
  4. What would you rather have...?

    Whatever I am sick of every thread turning into something like this. End of discussion
  5. What would you rather have...?

    He is a little shit thats what
  6. What would you rather have...?

    Funnily enough I dont think you will be staying here much longer
  7. What would you rather have...?

    Goodbye JTB
  8. What would you rather have...?

    I though you were going :dontcare:
  9. What would you rather have...?

    Didnt feel like it
  10. What would you rather have...?

    I geniunely have no idea, I should of gone out :down:
  11. What would you rather have...?

    :sigh: You had to go and ruin it, we having a mature conversation and you had to go act like a prick as usual.
  12. What would you rather have...?

    see that wasnt so why?
  13. What would you rather have...?

    Then, what was the point in your replying if you dont explain it?
  14. What would you rather have...?

    What makes you so different
  15. What would you rather have...?

    I know, but for the sake of debate it would be silly to have that as an opinion cause its an obvious answer.
  16. What would you rather have...?

    Oh but you can, its so easily to lose someone's looks. And over time drink will do that to you.
  17. What would you rather have...?

    I guess it also depends on what you perfer, its kinda naive to think that all good looking people do is sit and stare at each other, although I wouldnt think the conversation would be that stimulating.
  18. What would you rather have...?

    In yourself, I guess I wasnt very specific in the opening post :D
  19. What would you rather have...?

    Yeah I think so too, I made this thread for the reason that alot of people tend to say things like "Oh I'd go for personality or intelligence" when it actually reality they are indeed very vain. Like most people although I would perfer if people choose one or the other, I'd rather have an...