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  1. K10


    So do people smoke this stuff on a regular? Anyone else tried it?
  2. K10


    The one we had was 20X and it affects people differently. My other friends were scared that they were permanently f-ed up while I was laughing hysterically. You can smoke it out of a bong like weed but it has a much quicker and heavier affect than weed. Where do I buy it? OVER THE COUNTER...
  3. K10


    Yes it is made from long think dark green leaves I believe. I don't do acid, and I only tried Salvia once so I'm not a druggie :D
  4. K10


    Like only 10 minutes because we shared a gram among 4 ppl. I never tried it before and none of us usually smokes that stuff but it just came up and we got some over the counter in a smoke shop. My friend took the first hit out of a bong, he took a long hit cause he wasn't expecting it to...
  5. K10


    If you don't know what it is, it's a legal substance that you smoke. There are many names for it, but what is most commonly called Salvia extract , or by its proper name salvia divinorum, is a legal phsycoactive sage that has been used in shamanic cultures for centuries. The potency of...
  6. K10


    Have any of you tried that stuff? I tried it for the first time just now and it is fuc&king f^ucked up sh%t. I was in a different dimension, a different world.