Search results

  1. B or A

    Firestarter Galvanize or Star Guitar
  2. B or A

    Cheeseburgers Melon or Watermelon?
  3. B or A

    Wafless:lick: Richards or Picue?
  4. B or A

    severe drough Terminator or Conan the Barbarian
  5. B or A

    My bad :P
  6. B or A

    Sorry oups.. i edit the post
  7. B or A

    You impress me obilic :D Seka or Ceca :P
  8. B or A

    Panduri Kiriakakis or Zervakis :P
  9. B or A

    Real Man Utd or Lyon
  10. B or A

    VDV to Juve Mourinuo or Raikard
  11. B or A

    Eastern Europeans God Dionysus :pint: OR other God :pumpkin:
  12. B or A

    Both are Hitler's fags :D
  13. B or A

    The Congos Beatles or Rolling Stones.
  14. B or A

    Manos doesn't even know what means racist. He reputed the people who humiliated him and he called racists the Mods for closing his thread (maybe they did that because they wouldn't like to continue being humiliated). I believe that maybe he had some kind of mental problem or i don't know what...
  15. B or A

    :lol2: I 'm Ethiopian like manos. I'm not racist. :D ok other question: Amauri to come or Amauri not to come :D
  16. B or A

    Fried potato manos for president or manos permanently banned :D
  17. B or A
