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  1. swag

    First Name Thread

    True story: Tifoso Lou may be the only person on the forums to have met both myself and my wife in person. He's a cool dude. :tup: (And where we met? USA 4 - 1 China, mofos! Eat that, Hu Jintao! :P)
  2. swag

    First Name Thread

    Russia all over again. :sergio:
  3. swag

    First Name Thread

    That is badass! :lol2: And a lesson for preachers who come to your doorstep today...
  4. swag

    First Name Thread

    Dude, when Martin Luther was being a whiny drama queen bitch with his passive-aggressive little notes left around the church, Lithuanians were still worshiping gods of thunder. How cool is that? :D
  5. swag

    First Name Thread

    It's a lot easier to explain than all the druids who were still worshiping trees there around the same time as the Protestant Reformation. :D
  6. swag

    First Name Thread

    Europe's oldest living language, muthaf#$ers!
  7. swag

    First Name Thread

    Keep rolling with it, Janna. It's endearing.
  8. swag

    First Name Thread

    Seven's purpose in life is to make you out to be the anti-Christ. I wouldn't sweat it, but it seems to keep him entertained.
  9. swag

    First Name Thread

    Well, things could be more like things at Juve ... so one out of two isn't so terrible. ;)
  10. swag

    First Name Thread

    Ciao, Lou. :) What's happening?!
  11. swag

    First Name Thread

    My first name is de Cock. And by de Cock I mean DE COCK!
  12. swag

    First Name Thread

    Not here.
  13. swag

    First Name Thread

    I'm more of a "mothness" kind of guy myself. I like it when I open a can of beer so old and mature with flavor that Mothra pops out. It's those singing Japanese midget teenage girls I could do without...
  14. swag

    First Name Thread

    Choice. :D
  15. swag

    First Name Thread

    Here's something to cheer you up then, how about this for our latest member on Juventuz?: Yep, username: nakedrebecca. First name: naked. How long do you give it before the many drooling gropers here send her away...
  16. swag

    First Name Thread

    Huh? What did you say, Donnie? Getting our hives back? Oh, I hate hives. They make me all itchy... Now back to my rocking chair to watch some Lawrence Welk...
  17. swag

    First Name Thread

    Good catch, Graham. That rascally Josh...
  18. swag

    First Name Thread

    Hope you don't mind, Lou, but I took the honor of adding myself. ;)