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  1. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    Lol I can imagine that. "Hey Erik, don't forget to shag under the kitchen's table too!"
  2. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    Blundered in what sense? Did you declare your love to someone by telling him/her : "voglio scoparti"?:howler:
  3. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    Indeed, but this is Italian.. Scopare = to sweep, but also to have sexual intercourse (a colloquial and not very delicate expression). Speranza di scopare = hope to shag, hence : Mrs Esperanza d'Escobar. Capito?
  4. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    Do I sense a touch of sarcasm on your behalf, Bessiana?
  5. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    Lol indeed. Did you get it Bes?
  6. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    My full name is Esperanza d'Escobar.
  7. Kaiser Franco

    First Name Thread

    "Ognuno amico" doesn't mean anything. "Ogni amico" means "each/every friend". Same goes for "tutti e amici" : it doesn't make any sense.