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  1. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    W T F is up with the eyebrows, pink suits him well aswell
  2. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    ask ranieri its him that is not keen on barzagli
  3. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    the saddest part is that barzagli wont be comming
  4. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    how on earth is any club spose to take us seriously wen it comes to transfers if we are flogging out transfer pawns for nothing
  5. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    more like come to juve to spank secco's ass for bargains
  6. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    and to be honest there isnt alot of difference in the talent
  7. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    hmmm, ill get back to you on that 1 :P
  8. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    secco secco vaffanculo! WE HAVNT FORGIVEN U SECCO! and certainly havnt forgotten!
  9. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    the rate its going i mite rename my group to the "i hope u die a slow and painful death secco" my butt crack cud of made a better attempt at negotiations than secco's pizza slot
  10. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    its pathetic how the board give in so easily to every bid made, impale these amateurs! put sum1 with a headstrong mind in charge of the transfers not some jelly minded easily manipulated jackass
  11. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    moggi must be throwing darts at his picture of secco
  12. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    yeah only that zamparini will still not let him go for any less despite this micco deal
  13. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    bloody amateurs, we floged away a good trading pawn for peanuts
  14. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    hes a attention seeker who thinks his world is perfect unlike the current situation, he think hes gods gift, well perhaps he shud actually quit football and work for the f*cking samaritans
  15. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    zamparini - you're breaking my balls here, 5 mill quid and u got urself miccoli ;) push out secco let the true negotiator do his business :)
  16. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    doubtful since ranieri doesnt want him
  17. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    god how badly are we getting raped wen it comes to selling our 'better' players benfica were offering more
  18. Badass J Elkann

    Miccoli. Ha!

    well the decision will have to be soon as they have already seeded the teams