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  1. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    Teaser hmm it's too soft:D
  2. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    U r so cruel:D
  3. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    I think that he will be great alongside with Ibra, because both of them can replace other's lack
  4. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    I also think that he is a great player. I liked him so much that my friends called me Miccoli, but after that what he has been talking I simply don't like him anymore
  5. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    Because when he was at Juve he was telling everything beautiful about Juve and when he moved he was spitting on Juve
  6. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    Yes he is. How he could be wearing shirt with #13 if he isn't in our squad? :):)
  7. Amash

    Miccoli. Ha!

    Only 13 times per day???:D