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  1. Chiumiento/Lavecchia

    I think it is good. moreover if le mans stay next year in ligue 1 and if Chiumento is a good player he can be like flavio roma: to be enormous and to play with national team.
  2. Chiumiento/Lavecchia

    i understand. So it is a good news for the first club of didier drogba! I have read that Le mans has done a financial partnership with Juventus so mabe more player will play in le Mans and a future drogba can play in your club.
  3. Chiumiento/Lavecchia

    iT is not a good news for my club if i understand. They were good in their last loan? In primavera?
  4. Chiumiento/Lavecchia

    lol it is a good answered!!( good or not good) How good are they? Why Juventus loaned them and not sell them?
  5. Chiumiento/Lavecchia

    I am a french supporter of Le Mans and Juve has loaned to my favourite club two player. They played since their arrive in the second team(fourth french league). What are your opinion about these two players? thanks in advance