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  1. djleli

    Blasi For Oddo?

    blasi is showing some great skillz in these friendly matches i think he is improving his game at last. lets hope that he continues on this form
  2. djleli

    Blasi For Oddo?

    we've just been linked with stankovic he is a creative player! :D
  3. djleli

    Blasi For Oddo?

    cmon.... zebina's crosses are average? dude you should watch more juve games! then why does capello like him? he is the only dfender that throws great shots in the box
  4. djleli

    Blasi For Oddo?

    yeah like 29 is young . tchhh
  5. djleli

    Blasi For Oddo?

    hey i think zebina has killer crosses i dont think we need oddo for that.