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  1. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Maybe our avatars will intimidate him out of banning us?
  2. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Me too. Everyone likes Martin Dinosaur
  3. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    That's ok. Noone really likes Martin :D
  4. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    I didn't vote for myself so that's irrelevent. Just face it, you aren't loved.
  5. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Hey atleast I made the list haha!
  6. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    No really it is alot. I can't figure out who would have voted except Emma and Claire. You on the other hand are a kiss ass and ex respected mod who ran a campaign just to turn and down and feel good about it :D If you and Zlatan didn't ***** on about it so much, Andy would be a mod. Swag is...
  7. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Actually 8 is pretty hot considering I've been here no time, I'm not a Juve fan and all I do is hit on the girls and praise Juve_The_Best's amazing sense of humour.
  8. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Na just pretentious:D
  9. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Im explaining it to Andy and no joke ;)
  10. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    He seems flawed in his thinking of why he isn't a mod. It's for more simple than he thinks :D
  11. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    You're alittle arrogant with this. You didn't get it, you weren't good enough. Live with it.
  12. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    stick an m on yours and you got Damn.
  13. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    I have absolutely no desire to ever be a moderator on anything. It's just doing someone somebody else dosen't want to for free :D
  14. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Come on who's got my back? I'm too cool to finish last.:D
  15. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    yeah I'm the one that came last ;)
  16. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Who the heck voted for me besides those chicks? :D
  17. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    I'd vote Fliakis, thought it would be a waste of time :D
  18. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    I'm kinda putting most in the badge wearing category though :D But yep, point taken.
  19. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Playing music. Still dosen't fit. That's learning something, that's still creating something. You create (recreate) the sound. Each of the above can be done without being a mod except 'direction' and I already said I give you that one. It comes down to wanting to influence or wanting to...
  20. jaecole

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Yeah so it's an ego thing. Entirely my point. :D