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  1. swag

    9th August Juve vs Roma

    :howler: Looks like Zebina has been trying out for rhythmic gymnastics for the next Olympics. Somebody ought to tell him that the upcoming games in Torino are the Winter variety. ;)
  2. swag

    9th August Juve vs Roma

    It sounds like 1-1.
  3. swag

    9th August Juve vs Roma

    FWIW, it's Hebrew, not Chinese. But I too haven't been able to make sense of it.
  4. swag

    9th August Juve vs Roma

    Great point. Totti's four-finger goal tally vs Juve in '04 followed by Tudor's five-fingers for Totti's suspension in '05 (OK, well Tudor didn't do that, but he should have!). They're going to have to start counting on toes too...