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  1. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    of course we want 2 see the goals u have them ?
  2. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    dunno maybe am sleepy like nedved :D
  3. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    ok so the match ended 2-2 am glad that we didnt lose even if it was just a friendly :)
  4. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    wat ? alex missed ?
  5. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    i feel like killin totti :(
  6. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    was jus upset coz roma scored
  7. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    DAMN !
  8. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    vieira booked for kickin totti :D
  9. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    LOL thank god hes ok :)
  10. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    hows zlatan ??
  11. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    they were talkin bout breakin the code 2 watch the match in how do they do this ? is there a special reciever for this
  12. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    goal roma :(
  13. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    i guess n no arabic channel is showin the match
  14. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    wow dp score? great
  15. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    how is totti doing ? :D
  16. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    all i can say is that dp is startin
  17. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    y rai does that ? am so pised :(
  18. 9th August Juve vs Roma

    i hope the same i say 4-0 for us of course :D