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  1. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    erm..i dont think thats our jersey.
  2. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    A lot of sites reported that the deal was 19 mil.
  3. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    Zlatan was 16.
  4. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    Come on, which football club would update their site in the middle of the night just to announce that a deal has been finalised?
  5. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    Breaking News: Juventus strike Vieira deal! Juventus representatives in London tonight have successfully struck a deal for Arsenal skipper, Patrick Vieira. Reportedly around €13m, along with Jonathan Zebina or Stephen Appiah included in the deal. I Bianconeri have been searching for a regular...
  6. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    no it doesnt. the arrival of vieria would give emerson a more attacking role.
  7. The Arif

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    Welcome Patrick. ;)