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  1. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I hope one of them at least to be more contributer to attacks
  2. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    Emerson thankful for Vieira Sunday 17 July, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus midfielder Emerson has thanked the club for providing him with the ideal central midfield partner in Patrick Vieira. The Brazilian was accompanied...
  3. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I think our buying is over , now it is time of selling : Appiah , micolli and others are on their way out
  4. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I hope so :D
  5. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    signed yesterday and already start training with juve ? I hope that veira would be a good signing , although he is relatively old , and i am sad cause this means Appiah will leave
  6. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I think we are done already :D
  7. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    too defensive :(
  8. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I hope Appia is not part of this deal
  9. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I dont know what position veira play , is he more defensive or can help in attacks , and if capello will let him play the same as in arsenal
  10. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    I read a joke from some of arsenal fans , they want Zlatan in exchange of Veira + 5ml
  11. Maher

    Official: Patrick Vieira To Juve

    is it official??