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  1. Slagathor

    Okay, here goooes..

    Never :D
  2. Slagathor

    Okay, here goooes..

    Don't flatter yourself
  3. Slagathor

    Okay, here goooes..

    The only reason I posted a reply is because I didn't want the two minutes of my life I spent reading the first post of this thread to be a complete waste. If we had been friends in real life and you would have bored me with this, I would have given you a condom and kicked you out the door :lazy:
  4. Slagathor

    Okay, here goooes..

    Jesus, provided this is all true and you're not taking the piss, it's just sex ffs! Have a shag already then put your clothes back on, have a cigarette, crack open a beer and take the car for a spin already.