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  1. Cronios

    Okay, here goooes..

    and??? what happened?
  2. Cronios

    Okay, here goooes..

    i use paragraphs(even when i write sms), i thought that makes my self clear easier, am i wrong?
  3. Cronios

    Okay, here goooes..

    He sould use her as a practise target to gain exp and master the flert technics, of course he sould grab the change for a guick, but most of the girls give u more when u... flirt with them properly;)
  4. Cronios

    Okay, here goooes..

    7is fair enough+the age make it a chalenge
  5. Cronios

    Okay, here goooes..

    Be calm and stay cool, take control of the situation to show her u can control any situation, give her the impression that u always know what u r doing without showing off,just let it slip through naturally, ask questions first,let her have the talk, (what to hear/music, where to...