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  1. Eaglesnake_1

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    After Capello, Lippi will return, dont worry......
  2. Eaglesnake_1

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    This is your wisest post ever...........:thumb:
  3. Eaglesnake_1

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    He allready assure that he will stay only for the time of the contract (3 years) and then will be gone to coach a NT for the next world cup....
  4. Eaglesnake_1

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    He is a good coach, he favours first touch and i really like Arsenal football when they play at the right level, but he isnt much concerned about winning in Europe( Just look at gunners) ...and we are.