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  1. Bjerknes

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    Well, that is indeed true, Deschamps was able to turn Monaco into a title-contender and Champions League Finalist within just two years of his first day as a coach. That must say something about the man. However as you stated his side does have a problem with consistency, and that is one of...
  2. Bjerknes

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    What has Deschamps done to make us sure we have picked a good manager? Reaching the Champions League Final is a great accomplishment, however I still have my doubts over his abilities. He just has not impressed me enough to hand over the keys to our Ferrari.
  3. Bjerknes

    Wenger Future Juve Manager?

    For the fans who want to see Juventus actually play some entertaining football, Arsene Wenger is the man for the job. For eveybody else who wants to see Juventus win the Champions League, they are saying "hell no" to this ridiculous proposition. While it's obvious Wenger's attacking...