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  1. Explosions in London !

    WOW! at least you admited it.I am sure many will feel insulted here..anyway that's very wrong,we see people get emotional when they show it on BBC or CNN,how the explosions happened there (Lonodon,or The states,Madrdid etc..).while,same things happen here,they are humans like them,but like you...
  2. Explosions in London !

    No offence,but the funny thing is that these things happening here in Lebanon the past 5 months,and nobody (in the world) gives a **** about it.. I didn't even count how many explosions happened here so far,this is the latest one,which is 5 minutes away from me. enjoy it Reuters pictures
  3. Explosions in London !

  4. Explosions in London !

    Have some respect asshole :groan:
  5. Explosions in London !

    alla la ten minutes Syrian inteligence will knock my door,I mean my ass :scared:
  6. Explosions in London !

  7. Explosions in London !

    well,I told you,they don't think the same way as you do.any foreign (non islamic) army that invades their country,they declare holly war "Jihad", if it was crusades or not,christian,atheist,budhist or whatever,for them that's holly war.the other part,you claim you army is there for help, they...
  8. Explosions in London !

    First of all,I hate to do it this with you now, that's because the London incident just happened,and I know your feelings.. First thing you should know,I am not a muslim,here is a proof :D This is me I never picked Islam,and never will.I was born Chrisitian, and will die christian..I was...
  9. Explosions in London !

    I wish if we had more Gandhis nowadays,that was my point Roverbhoy.. you can call my post bulshit or whatever you want,I wouldn't get offended at all,it just comes because of your anger.. I will tell you again what I am trying to say,you are saying all these because you are british,I will...
  10. Explosions in London !

    wow! that was a great quote.. I should get to know more about Gandhi :)
  11. Explosions in London !

    Well said :mad:
  12. Explosions in London !

    I don't know what you mean by "blame the west" thing,or if you meant "anti-west",but you are very wrong my friend,am not that at all,I always hated the place I lived (middle east),am not east-admirer myself..but with my posts I don't think I will change the way you are thinking,because you are...
  13. Explosions in London !

    I hope you don't mean that,or you just say it because of your anger.. any muslim is like you and me,a human being.there is no wrong if he leaves in my or your country and works there..
  14. Explosions in London !

    I tell you how to end these war and terorism bullshit ,If every nation mind their business,there wouldn't be any problem,but the bastards are greed for oil and other things (power),so that's almost imposible to happen.. I hate to say this,but every british is responsible for this...
  15. Explosions in London !

    you will always see those names together,because usama and that mother Fvcker Zarqawi claim they are fighting in the name of Islam (which most of Islam world don't agree)
  16. Explosions in London !

    For me,any one who kills is a terorist,killer,criminal you name it.. don't get me wrong,I am not at anyone's side,but for me they are the same bullshit. bin laden and co kills in an ugly way,but bush and blair and others in a" less uglier" way,"for protecting their people" and other craps like...